About Us
Whangarei Film Society Inc. was registered as an Incorporated Society (#1363001) on 29 July 2003. Its primary purpose is to show films, otherwise than for financial gain.
A committee of seven elected members fulfill various administrative roles.
The 2024 WFS committee are Bridget O'Rourke (Chair, Website administrator & film handler), Kathie Brown (Secretary & Membership), Yvonne King (Treasurer, Bar licensee), Angela Lucas (Front of House), Geoff Bartlett (Publicity/Ticket Sales), Jan Crawford (membership desk),and Naomi Foot (membership, ticket sales). We employ an AV technician for our film nights to ensure the smooth running of the films and equipment.
Our kaupapa – the WFS aims to:
- Provide an annual season of high quality, diverse films for its members and the Whangarei community.
- Facilitate education and career opportunity through the genre of film.
- To generally improve the experience of film going in the Whangarei District.
Initially the Whangarei Film Society was affiliated to the NZ Film Federation Inc. The Society supports various film festivals – French, British and Irish, Show Me Shorts, NZIFF etc – and often screens films from these festivals once they reach general distribution.
Films screened by the WFS are chosen from members suggestions and collated by the committee who liaise with directly with film distributors, to present a programme from March to November. The WFS is, however, affected by availability issues for securing some films as we are dependent on both the type of film format (e-cinema, streaming, DVD) and the screening and audio equipment installed in the Forum North venues.
We annually sign an agreement with the Whangarei District Council for the hire of the Forum North venue to use for our weekly film nights (Thursdays @ 6pm and 8pm). Films are mostly shown in the Capitaine Bougainville Theatre or, if this venue is unavailable, we may use the Exhibition Hall for our film night, or change to a Tuesday night if a situation of extended unavailability occurs.
Membership costs $30 and is renewable each year. Members are given one free ticket when they sign up for their use at any screening during the year. Membership benefits include a subsidized cost for any additional social function held, the right to vote in the annual general meeting, to stand for the committee and make film suggestions.
Membership can be paid online (refer to the weekly email). Also, the membership desk is open from 5.30pm each film night.
An email of the upcoming films and other relevant notices is sent to members and supporters (i.e. anyone requesting to join our mail list) each week. Further information can be found on our facebook page, Neighbourly and similar social media platforms.
Full details of the Whangarei Film Society rules, annual reports and financial records are available here: www.companies.govt.nz
To contact us, please email – secretary@whangareifilmsociety.org